Get LocalTimeFromUtcTime in JavaScript using function call.

sometime we need to get the local time of use in local timezone set in personal setting of dynamics using client side script.

I needed to make sure that i am passing each and everything correctly in as this function throws very generic errors and doesn’t give any clue of real missing parameter or syntax error.

Code sample with some comments :

////Microsoft Documentation can be found on this url “”

function LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest(timeZoneCode, utcTime) {
this.TimeZoneCode = timeZoneCode;
this.UtcTime = utcTime;

LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest.prototype.getMetadata = function () { //// Make sure to write the cunstructor in this way so that the metadata goes to proto
return {
boundParameter: null,
parameterTypes: { ////This property needs two parameters TimeZoneCode, UtcTime
“TimeZoneCode”: {
“typeName”: “Edm.Int32”,
“structuralProperty”: 1 ////1 is for PrimitiveType data structures
“UtcTime”: {
“typeName”: “Edm.DateTimeOffset”, ////For Dates we need to use DateTimeOffset and not the DateTime
“structuralProperty”: 1 ////1 is for PrimitiveType data structures
operationType: 1, //// We need to make sure what is the operation type in this example it is “Function” Hence passed 1
operationName: “LocalTimeFromUtcTime” ////Notice the operationName and don’t be confused with C# request name LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest

var localTimeFromUtcTimeRequest = new LocalTimeFromUtcTimeRequest(20, “2020-05-28T12:39:10Z”); //Date Format is strickly should be in this format
async function success(result) { //// make the function sync otherwise below await for result.json() is not possible.
if (result.ok) {
var data = await result.json(); ////Simple return statement won’t work as there is always a Promise return so we need to await for that result
return data;
function (error) {

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